The TZCLD Observatory (an organization for discussing research and results from the TZCLD employment program) is hosting a study day in Paris this coming March 21st and 22nd to discuss the trajectories of social innovations like the Zero Long Term Unemployment Areas in France.
Proposals for papers (abstract between 10 and 15 lines with bibliography for a talk of around 20 minutes) should be sent to Timothée Duverger, President of the Observatoire, t.duverger@sciencespobordeaux.fr, Victoria Bazurto, Observatoire TZCLD victoria.bazurto@tzcld.fr, Mathias Guérineau McF IAE de Nantes mathias.guerineau@univ-nantes.fr and Julien Kleszczowski McF IAE Lille julien.kleszczowski@univ-lille.fr before22/12/2023.
Authors will receive confirmation at the end of January 2024.
Read more at the TZCLD site and read the full call at this PDF.