La Concertation Droit à L’emploi
In 2024, 14 French committed organizations for employment and solidarity, with their field experience, have chosen to collectively engage in a major national consultation for a law on the right to employment for all in 2024. This consultation brings together Territories for Zero Long term Unemployment, civic, anti-poverty, and disability rights organizations, and more.
On Thursday, February 29th from 5:00 to 7:00pm CET (GMT+1), the Consultation will be hosting a launch event featuring Axelle Brodiez-Dolino, Director of Research in History at the CNRS, who will present the history of the right to employment in France. Register at this link.
From April to November 2024, five territorial conferences will be organized throughout France to pool issues and questions, collect the voice of the participants and collectively develop the contours of a future law on the right to employment.
To read more about this consultation and details about their upcoming conferences, go to their website at this link.