The Nation | What Running on a Jobs Guarantee Could Mean for Democrats

Tuesday 24 Oct 2023

The Nation | What Running on a Jobs Guarantee Could Mean for Democrats

In this June 2023 piece for The Nation, Katie Rader and Carissa Guadron write, “At the 1944 Convention of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, A. Philip Randolph, a key leader in the civil rights and labor movements, proclaimed that “if full employment can be maintained in a war for destruction, it can also be maintained in peace for construction.” The United States had just emerged from World War II with a booming economy and nearly full employment, and many Americans saw major improvements in their living standards and working conditions. Anxious to hold on to these gains and maintain the full-employment economy, Randolph and other organizers within the labor movement started pressing Congress to pass the Full Employment Bill.”

Read the full article at The Nation.