

An employment matching service provided to unemployed citizens of the Brussels region

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Dates of operation

This program was born out of (1989 to 2005) the Brussels Regional Employment Office and transitioned into Actiris in 2006. The Youth Guarantee was extended to all new registrants (regardless of age) in 2019 (2). The program is still active as of 2023.

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The Actiris program is a public service, the Belgium Regional Employment Office, which guarantees job-seekers a placement with an employer (1). The program includes a variety of wrap-around services including language classes, training, and direct matching with private and public sector employers.

Defining principles

The public sector should guarantee access to employment opportunities.


The right to work is a human right, youth unemployment and long term unemployment are pressing issues and require public sector intervention.

Number of participants

60,222 job offers from employers in 2021(3)(4). 1,636 employees of the Actiris administration (5).

Criteria for participation

Residency in Belgium, depending on the situation, there may be a specific timeframe to qualify (6).

Pay and benefits

Pay varies depending upon employment placement.


Budget of EUR 719,144,000 in 2021 which mostly comes from the Brussels capital region and a small minority from the EU (7).

Types of work

Private and public sector work across different industries and occupations.

Notable features

Guaranteed offer of employment.


This program does not follow the direct employment approach (creating new public sector projects), and relies on connecting people with education, other services, and prospective employers.

Visit program website


  1. Actiris website. Who We Are.
  2. Actiris website. History.
  3. Actiris. (2022). Rapport Annuel 2021. pg 20.
  4. Actiris. (2023). ViewStat.
  5. Actiris. (2022). Rapport Annuel 2021. pg 8.
  6. Actiris website. Who Can Register and When.
  7. Actiris. (2022). Rapport Annuel 2021. pg 30.