How can the job guarantee prevent inefficiency, corruption, discrimination, and abuse?

Real-world Public Service Employment programs around the world have experience identifying and addressing inefficiency, corruption, discrimination, and abuse. Clear operational guidelines accompanied by multiple layers of oversight (local, state, and national) are indispensable in preventing and curtailing these issues.

As per the UN Report: “Adopting a rights-based approach is a first step towards reducing the risks of corruption and discrimination. This means defining access to the scheme as a legal entitlement, allowing for access to recourse mechanisms in cases of exclusion. Community- level social audits can also help to identify fraud: under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, such audits allow local communities to review information about who is recorded as working on the scheme, wage slips and the works carried out,” (Schutter, 2023).

Schutter, Olivier de. (April 18, 2023). The employment guarantee as a tool in the fight against poverty: report of the Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Olivier De Schutter. Geneva. A/HRC/53/33.

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